Checkstyle Results

The following document contains the results of Checkstyle.


FilesInfos InfosWarnings WarningsErrors Errors



ErrorsExtra HTML tag found: </dt><dd>jDTAUS ⁑ ISO-13616 ⁑ IBAN</dd>65
ErrorsExtra HTML tag found: </dd>65
ErrorsExtra HTML tag found: </dt><dd>jDTAUS ⁑ ISO-13616 ⁑ IBAN</dd>66
ErrorsExtra HTML tag found: </dd>66
ErrorsExtra HTML tag found: </dt><dd>No</dd>67
ErrorsExtra HTML tag found: </dd>67
ErrorsExtra HTML tag found: </dt><dd>Yes</dd>68
ErrorsExtra HTML tag found: </dd>68
ErrorsExtra HTML tag found: </dt><dd>No</dd>69
ErrorsExtra HTML tag found: </dd>69
ErrorsVariable 's0' should be declared final.327
ErrorsVariable 's0' should be declared final.620
ErrorsDon't use trailing comments.629
ErrorsDon't use trailing comments.655
ErrorsDon't use trailing comments.732
ErrorsVariable 's0' should be declared final.745
ErrorsDon't use trailing comments.756
ErrorsDon't use trailing comments.786
ErrorsDon't use trailing comments.803
ErrorsDon't use trailing comments.814
ErrorsDon't use trailing comments.821
ErrorsDon't use trailing comments.991
ErrorsVariable 's0' should be declared final.997
ErrorsDon't use trailing comments.1007
ErrorsDon't use trailing comments.1019
ErrorsDon't use trailing comments.1037
ErrorsDon't use trailing comments.1043
ErrorsDon't use trailing comments.1048
ErrorsDon't use trailing comments.1053
Errors'for' construct must use '{}'s.1301
ErrorsVariable 's0' should be declared final.1301
ErrorsEmpty statement.1301
ErrorsVariable 's0' should be declared final.1342
ErrorsVariable 's0' should be declared final.1371
ErrorsDon't use trailing comments.1381
ErrorsDon't use trailing comments.1403
ErrorsDon't use trailing comments.1436
ErrorsDon't use trailing comments.1459
ErrorsDon't use trailing comments.1464
ErrorsDon't use trailing comments.1469
ErrorsVariable 'text_len' should be declared final.1490
ErrorsDon't use trailing comments.1501
ErrorsControl variable 'part_len' is modified.1502
ErrorsDon't use trailing comments.1507
ErrorsControl variable 'literal_index' is modified.1572
ErrorsUnnecessary parentheses around return value.1604
ErrorsUnnecessary parentheses around return value.1616
Errors'for' construct must use '{}'s.1654
ErrorsVariable 'l0' should be declared final.1654
ErrorsEmpty statement.1654
ErrorsVariable 'l0' should be declared final.1666
ErrorsVariable 'l0' should be declared final.1700


ErrorsExtra HTML tag found: </dt><dd>jDTAUS ⁑ ISO-13616 ⁑ IBAN Check Digits Exception</d34
ErrorsExtra HTML tag found: </dd>34
ErrorsExtra HTML tag found: </dt><dd>jDTAUS ⁑ ISO-13616 ⁑ IBAN Check Digits Exception</d35
ErrorsExtra HTML tag found: </dd>35
ErrorsExtra HTML tag found: </dt><dd>No</dd>36
ErrorsExtra HTML tag found: </dd>36
ErrorsExtra HTML tag found: </dt><dd>Yes</dd>37
ErrorsExtra HTML tag found: </dd>37
ErrorsExtra HTML tag found: </dt><dd>No</dd>38
ErrorsExtra HTML tag found: </dd>38
ErrorsThe field 'iban' must be declared final.62
ErrorsThe field 'checkDigits' must be declared final.68
ErrorsExtra HTML tag found: </dt>144
ErrorsExtra HTML tag found: </dd>145
ErrorsExtra HTML tag found: </dd>146
ErrorsExtra HTML tag found: </dt><dd>No</dd>147
ErrorsExtra HTML tag found: </dd>147


ErrorsExtra HTML tag found: </dt><dd>jDTAUS ⁑ ISO-13616 ⁑ IBAN Format</dd>32
ErrorsExtra HTML tag found: </dd>32
ErrorsExtra HTML tag found: </dt><dd>jDTAUS ⁑ ISO-13616 ⁑ IBAN Format</dd>33
ErrorsExtra HTML tag found: </dd>33
ErrorsExtra HTML tag found: </dt><dd>No</dd>34
ErrorsExtra HTML tag found: </dd>34
ErrorsExtra HTML tag found: </dt><dd>Yes</dd>35
ErrorsExtra HTML tag found: </dd>35
ErrorsExtra HTML tag found: </dt><dd>Yes</dd>36
ErrorsExtra HTML tag found: </dd>36


ErrorsExtra HTML tag found: </dt><dd>jDTAUS ⁑ ISO-13616 ⁑ IBAN Syntax Exception</dd>34
ErrorsExtra HTML tag found: </dd>34
ErrorsExtra HTML tag found: </dt><dd>jDTAUS ⁑ ISO-13616 ⁑ IBAN Syntax Exception</dd>35
ErrorsExtra HTML tag found: </dd>35
ErrorsExtra HTML tag found: </dt><dd>No</dd>36
ErrorsExtra HTML tag found: </dd>36
ErrorsExtra HTML tag found: </dt><dd>Yes</dd>37
ErrorsExtra HTML tag found: </dd>37
ErrorsExtra HTML tag found: </dt><dd>No</dd>38
ErrorsExtra HTML tag found: </dd>38
ErrorsThe field 'malformedText' must be declared final.62
ErrorsThe field 'errorIndex' must be declared final.68
ErrorsExtra HTML tag found: </dt>143
ErrorsExtra HTML tag found: </dd>144
ErrorsExtra HTML tag found: </dd>145
ErrorsExtra HTML tag found: </dt><dd>No</dd>146
ErrorsExtra HTML tag found: </dd>146


ErrorsExtra HTML tag found: </dt><dd>jDTAUS ⁑ ISO-13616 ⁑ IBAN</dd>40
ErrorsExtra HTML tag found: </dd>40
ErrorsExtra HTML tag found: </dt><dd>jDTAUS ⁑ ISO-13616 ⁑ IBAN</dd>41
ErrorsExtra HTML tag found: </dd>41
ErrorsExtra HTML tag found: </dt><dd>No</dd>42
ErrorsExtra HTML tag found: </dd>42
ErrorsExtra HTML tag found: </dt><dd>Yes</dd>43
ErrorsExtra HTML tag found: </dd>43
ErrorsExtra HTML tag found: </dt><dd>No</dd>44
ErrorsExtra HTML tag found: </dd>44