
Generating ResourceBundle bundles together with corresponding accessor classes

The jdtaus-resource-mojo:java-resources goal of the Resource Plugin is bound to the process-resources phase in the build lifecycle. The mojo needs to be setup manually in a project to get executed. To generate an accessor class for a ResourceBundle which is backed by properties file resources of your project add the following to the project's pom.xml.


and add a module descriptor to the project (searched for at src/main/resources/META-INF/jdtaus/module.xml by default) like so

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<container:module xmlns:container=""

    <container:implementation container:identifier="com.yourcompany.YourClass"
                              container:name="jDTAUS Core ⁑ Resource Mojo"

        <container:reference container:name="yourMessage"/>

    <container:message container:name="yourMessage">
      <container:template container:defaultLanguage="en">
        <container:text container:language="en"><![CDATA[English message text with {0} argument]]></container:text>
        <container:text container:language="de"><![CDATA[Deutscher Meldungs-Text mit Argument {0}]]></container:text>
        <container:argument container:index="0" container:name="argumentName" container:type="text"/>


The goal processes the specified messages and generates accessor classes together with corresponding properties files for all messages from the module descriptor.

See the jdtaus-container-1.1.xsd XML schema regarding the document structure.